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Can I buy Professor Gilbert Strang's books in India now ?
- ➔ India-specific editions of two book are available (not international editions) :
'Introduction to Linear Algebra' (differs from International edition, see here)
'Linear Algebra and Learning from Data' (same as International edition, see here)
- ➔ Both books : Hard cover, 6.8”x9.25” size, black & white print on 80GSM white paper, around 1 kg
- ➔ Individuals can buy one copy of either or both books, click here
- ➔ Colleges and organizations, email a request to wellesleypublishers@gmail.com
(our official email info@wellesleypublishers.com is often blocked by email filters)
- ➔ We do not have permissions to print and/or sell any other books by Gilbert Strang
Exactly what is different between Indian and International editions of these books ?
Who decides the content of the books
- ➔ The author decides on all topics, content, layout, design
- ➔ Wellesley Publishers only publishes and sells based on the author's specifications
What role does Gilbert Strang play in Wellesley Publishers
- ➔ Prof. Strang is the author and intellectual property rights holder of these books
- ➔ Wellesley Publishers (India) operates separately from Wellesley-Cambridge Press (USA)
- ➔ Indian operations are a collaborative partnership with Prof. Strang's USA operations
- ➔ We are visible on Prof. Strang's MIT Web page and also on the ILA and LFD book websites
- ➔ The Indian entity has permission to print and distribute two books (see above) in India
- ➔ Our operations were started at Prof. Strang's behest, he is consulted on all major decisions
- ➔ We also share monthly reports on all issues, including book sales and successful deliveries
Are these books in color or black ?
- ➔ 'Introduction to Linear Algebra' (International) originally was in color. New editions have gray shading
- ➔ 'Linear Algebra and Learning from Data' (International) has always had gray shading
- ➔ Indian editions of these books are printed with gray shading
- ➔ Book specific websites contain select sections from the book (ILA sections are in color)
- ➔ Here are samples of typical pages of the Indian editions
Are there any errors in the books ?
- ➔ Books of this complexity usually have typos and inconsistencies
- ➔ Book specific websites contain many resources, including errata (updated regularly)
- ➔ ILA Indian edition, last line on reverse of cover : 'Chapters 8-10' and single word 'algebra'
- ➔ If you spot a new error, email wellesleypublishers@gmail.com and we will inform the author
Do you ship books internationally ?
How do I pay for book purchases ?
- ➔ Pick up from our Mumbai office (BY PRIOR APPOINTMENT ONLY). Pay cash, no courier charge
- ➔ Courier payment is via National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), direct to our bank account
- ➔ We avoid cost of software development, payment gateways, e-commerce platforms - you pay less !
- ➔ Click the 'Buy' link on the top-right, for details
Can I get a GST invoice for my purchases ?
- ➔ Since we only sell educational books, we are exempt from paying GST
- ➔ We email a softcopy invoice with all purchase details, after the book is couriered
Are low cost soft cover books available for students ?
- ➔ We have permission to print the books mentioned above only in hard cover
- ➔ Costs are reasonable, with better quality white thick paper and hard cover
- ➔ All intellectual property rights and print permissions & decisions reside with the author
Do you sell damaged books (at lower cost), or accept returns, or give refunds ?
- ➔ We do not sell damaged books (to protect the author's reputation for quality)
- ➔ We do not accept returns, book(s) you receive damaged will be replaced at our cost
- ➔ We do not give refunds (unless we accept payment and cannot deliver)
- ➔ Our costs to all buyers is same (and lowest possible), it would be unfair to selectively give discounts
- ➔ Ask questions, clarify doubts; ensure you want the book(s) before you order them
My book(s) show damage, or pages are torn or there are print or binding issues
- ➔ Books may develop slight physical deformities or printing aberrations, during print-store-dispatch.
This is normal, and acceptable
- ➔ If your book arrives with severe physical deformity, damage, torn pages binding problems etc.,
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- ➔ Our liability is limited to replacing and couriering a fresh book at our cost (we do not give refunds)
Why don't you sell on Amazon or Flipkart ?
- ➔ Professor Strang's motivation for Indian operations was quality before cost
- ➔ Selling directly avoids gateway implementation and payment fees, Amazon/Flipkart commissions
- ➔ This results in quality approved by the author, at an Indian price
What is your privacy policy ?
- ➔ We maintain a copy of all emails sent to us
- ➔ We do not store any user-related information on our website
- ➔ We email everyone who contacts us, about latest developments (unless you tell us not to)
I wrote an email to
wellesleypublishers@gmail.com, but got no response
- ➔ We usually reply within 24 hours, with rare exceptions
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- ➔ WhatsApp 9920757059 : Messages only (no voice calls), we do not respond immediately